All creative endeavours are worth it.
Make no money? Get no likes? Shatter in the kiln? WORTH IT.
The post that got no likes - was worth it.
The process of creating that piece was an integral part of your creative journey, a step towards your version of mastery. It was an action of vulnerability, a declaration to the world that you are taking this seriously. A god damn fucking decree.
Also, you have no fucking clue who it actually impacted. It could have silently changed someone’s life, don’t jump to conclusions. Silence is so often mistranslated.
The doodle you drew whilst on hold to the gas company - was worth it.
Look at the way you use art to regulate your nervous system whilst dealing with actual bullshit! Look at how the magic of art holds you and protects you as you deal with the mundane. Sure, it looks a little phallic - but sometimes when we deal with dicks we need to draw dicks.
The vase that shattered in the kiln - was worth it.
Look at what that grief taught you. Look at how it grew you as an artist. Look at how it reminded you of how precious your creations are. How delicate they are. How vulnerable this process is. What a heartbreaking, important, holy, horrible part of your journey.
No creative process is wasted, even if the end result is a literal pile of precious rubble.
No artist can approach mastery until they move through creative loss like this. I am so proud of you.
The piece of art that would not sell and made a loss.
Your art is worth money, and I am sorry this didn’t end in the way you wanted it to.
But if we judged every piece of art ever made by how it did financially, then all of William Blake’s poetry is worth jack shit, Van Gogh’s starry night sky is crap etc etc, you know the stories. A lot of fucking profound art was not valued monetarily. You join this club, for now.
It was worth making that piece that didn’t sell. It was an invaluable, crucial part of your journey as an artist. It is canon. It had to be made.
The painting that made you doubt yourself / made you wanna give up art
This piece was, yet again, fucking pivotal in your journey. Because you’re not giving up. (Please click the button).
You faced your inner critic, your perfectionist demons and you fucking won. This was a war, and you, the Artist, are the victor.
The book you half wrote and gave up on — was worth it.
This book is your teacher. She made you the author you are today. Take the lessons, bring them to the next book, know that the half finished book will be a crucial part of all the finished books you are going to write in this life time. Her story was not finished, but neither is yours. You will finish books, and it will be, in part, because of her.
The undeniably shit piece of art you made - was worth it.
Shit art is the holiest of all art. Fight me. Shit art means you didn’t succumb to perfectionism. Shit art means you let yourself try something. Shit art means you honoured that inner child and let them play. Shit art is mandatory. Shit art is holy. If you can’t point to the big pile of shit art, then you’re not doing the work.
The video you recorded of yourself that is incredibly cringe - was worth it.
Integral, crucial, holy piece of art - the cringe video of yourself. A must have in our portfolio if we are to get anywhere as Creatives. You put yourself out there in a way that tested social norms. You were vulnerable in a way most people would NEVER dare. The cringe video of yourself is the fucking reason you get to call yourself artist.
The auditions you go to that go no where - are all worth it.
Sweet actors, performers, models, auditioners. I love you. The audition was worth it. I know it was complete and utter fucking bullshit but it was worth it. It was a commitment to your craft. It was an action that you took and it speaks volumes. It says: I am taking myself seriously. I am willing to be vulnerable and put myself out there for my art. I am an artist. Fuck the gatekeepers. You are doing the thing.
The competition you entered but never heard back from - was worth it
Much like the audition that was total crap, this is evidence that you back yourself. This is a self coronation. The act of entering yourself into this competition or grant or slush pile… it is a loud and fucking profound announcement. You are saying: what I made has worth. Witness me. A crucial pivotal part of your creative journey.
Our culture perceives most art to be a waste of time
So, it is no wonder we discard and resent our non traditionally succesful pieces so quickly. But when we sanctify each piece of art we make, when we see singing in the shower as holy, when we recognize that the obviously shitty painting is divine, we do something revolutionary and world changing. We give art the respect and reverence it deserves.
All creative endeavours are worth it.
Every moment you dedicate to your form of art propels you forward on your journey as artist. There is no such thing as stagnancy or being stuck if you are continuing to create. There is no such thing as wasted art.
Hey Amie, I listened to the voice recording of this post instead of reading it, just to change it up. I love your voice. I love your passion. I love you always have my back as an artist. Thank you, thank you!! ✨
omg. The “stares at you aggressively” button. So good - felt that in my soul. Art on!