Love this - going to open a few journals and capture some first lines to see what I find there! Also I have this on/off practice of capturing my dream(s) as soon as I wake... I don't always go back and look for clues/guidance, but when I do it's usually significant and full of insight. MUCH LOVE! Glad you're here! ♥️

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Jun 28Liked by Amie McNee

Delicious. I can’t wait to peer over your shoulder and see more of your process. Thank you for inviting us to take a peek

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Jun 27Liked by Amie McNee

I love this! Thank you for sharing these...I cannot wait for more. I've been wanting to dive back into a journaling practice but starting is always the hardest part. I appreciate the inspiration so much. And welcome to substack! <3

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You are a blessing 🙌🏾

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My gosh, this is so generous and what a delight to be with you here. Thank you! 🙏🏽

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Jun 27Liked by Amie McNee

I loved reading this, Amie! Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your pages with us.

For years, I was always in love with the idea of journalling. I collected notebooks and would write for a couple of days but struggled with consistency. I'd quit, leave it a few months, and then try again, telling myself I'd stick it out this time, only to give up again. For the past two months, I've shown up to the pages every day. My inner critic wants to say, "lol two months is fuck all", but I'm going to give myself credit because I've been doing the work, and it's been hard and heavy sometimes, but it's also been beautiful and my journal(s) have become a space now for me to recentre and noodle through all the shit in my brain and count the small blessings and I love it. I look forward to it and I protect that time so fiercely because it's the space I give myself to be open and vulnerable and uncensored. Your journalling course has been key for helping me nurture myself and turn this practice into what it is, so I also want to say thank you.

I love this: "I have and continue to use my journal as a space to alter my state and to create a future of my dreams, but I never deny my current state. The first line is always a place where I come as I am."

This morning, I wrote, "I feel I open most of my journal entries with, 'I'm tired'. I'm tired and headachy and today is also a bad hayfever day, so as a bonus, I'm sneezing every two minutes. At least it's cooler today. I can stand at the door and the breeze brushes my skin."

It's so validating to read your opening lines and know I'm not the only one, and I think we can never have too many reminders that we have permission to meet ourselves where we are.

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Greetings from North Carolina, USA. I am a visual artist, and after decades of the occasional reading about writing (I'm over 50), I've just recently started a writing practice of sorts. I even wrote two poems in the last 6 weeks (one just after lying on my back outside in the early evening, cloud gazing for 30 minutes). I love this post because it shows exactly how I start a writing session - just meeting myself in that moment. I also like that you don't seem to subscribe to some sort of writing "formula." Even a list of things you see and notice from where you are sitting can launch a writing session. I just finished Natalie Goldberg's book The True Secret of Writing (hard to categorize and just as good as her seminal book Writing Down the Bones) - definitely check it out. Always enjoy your thoughts about writing and your supportive cheerleading of creatives! Thank you.

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Jun 28Liked by Amie McNee

I love this! I am going to go back and look at some of my first lines. I am on day 546 of writing morning pages and it’s easily the best part of my practice. Thank you for sharing

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Welcome, Amie 😀 I'm so happy you joined Substack as I have distanced myself from Instagram, and I would love to hear more often from you via your newsletter!

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I've been journaling daily since early 2021. It has been part of my evolution. I also use the phrase Good morning sunshine in my journaling; a greeting to myself! I'm inspired to go back and look at some of my first lines. I know some of them were about my sleep or the weight that morning on the scale. 🙄

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Jun 27Liked by Amie McNee

I listen to your it’s time to write podcast every day before I write and am 70,000 words into my novel, I find your content on Instagram and your courses so helpful as the biggest problem I have is with imposter syndrome 😅

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Oh Frodo :(

Happy to see you in this space.

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Really great to see you on here 😊 really enjoyed readying this thank you for sharing your thoughts this makes me feel better about my journaling ✨

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Thanks for coming to Substack Amie! I grew tired of IG and was wondering when you would come into this platform. It’s a good one!

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So delightful to have you on Substack! Thanks for sharing this beautiful process with us. Can’t wait to see more!

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Hi Amie, so delighted to find you here. I can’t tell you how much you and James have been helping through my journey already! So looking forward to your future posts. x

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