I needed to hear this today, I’m bipolar and have ADHD and I haven’t written anything this week on my novel because my mental health has been shit and was feeling guilty for this, your post reminded me that we are all human and that that is okay, so thank you so much for sharing vulnerably x

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“A lot of my life is ideating, and writing, coffee, delighting, smiling and creating. A lot of my life is decision paralysis, freeze state, drank too much coffee, cannot figure out what’s next, pissed at myself for having so many projects, unsure about how much money I have, panic. It’s both.

It is big. It is magic. It is hard.”

I can’t explain how much I relate to this. Heavy on the uncertainty — yet magic — created by the creative path.

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Yay for the sleepy blog!

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Just started a pretty simple and stimulating writing task I'd been procrastinating for about 6 hours partly by taking 87 coffee breaks so this resonates. The awkward tension between the cheerleader and nitpicking critic in your head... Like repelling magnets.

Thank you Amie. This is just as worthy content as anything else you could've posted today. One more thing achieved & connection made.

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Oh yeah, I felt that. When it happens to me I just want to curl into my comfy bed and play videogames all day long. I'll feel better the next day, I know, but in those moments it's time to get my artist rest a little

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I was on this mode for 2 weeks last month! Initially it felt horrible and guilty...and later I was like fuck it😂

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Thank you - divine words, divine time. Feeling gutted over life and you just make me feel so seen 🙏

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Thank you for sharing...this is sooooo real....I can soooo related. The pressure we put on ourselves to perform, do, fix in this crazy world...show up when "Creativity" is always being challenged. I keep trying to remind myself that things work out somehow for the best...that we are being schooled on this earth, and I need to give myself so much grace and compassion. It helps to hear I am not alone.

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Thanks, Amie. I always feel so affirmed and relieved when someone somehow articulates something mirroring my inner life so clearly which I haven’t quite yet put my own finger on. 🩷 I often have this cool, big ideas which I begin and then think “this is too big and will take forever to get right! I think I’ll go lay down now.” Hugs and rest for everyone!

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Oof yup, feel this one in my bones!

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Who are you and how did you get in my head?😂

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It's so hard, Aimee. I'm feeling this way, too.

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I felt like that last week - especially the 3pm slump, and regretting all the caffeine which makes me more grumpy and triggers migraines which then makes me MORE useless. I found treating myself like a toddler and having an afternoon nap works wonders (hehe)

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Woman! Right here with you!

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Came across this randomly via one of your notes, and just wanted to say thanks, I needed this!

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This is the real deal. 🙌No sugar coating reality. I know this up and down all too well and I’m lovin 3pm-Amie.

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