Love your work, I’m part of your Inspired Collective group…just commenting to say, I love the added “lol” link. 😂 Nice touch.

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Amie, big yes to talking about your art, and thank you for this. I replied to one of James's posts talking about the marketing side of things — I've worked in marketing for a while now, and over the past few years I've found myself becoming increasingly disillusioned with it, to the point where I've questioned what I'm doing and given serious thought to jacking it all in (while also lamenting the fact that I will still need to market myself as I create and share my art). A lot of my journalling recently has been my moaning about the state of the industry (devout complainers unite!), where I'm focusing on all the bad that marketing can do and completely neglecting all of the good it can do.

I journalled around this last night and some interesting things came up that I wanted to share:

"[Marketing is] what we have to do as artists. But the way Amie articulated it was refreshing and illuminating, because she wasn't writing about marketing as some necessary evil but rather that marketing is an act of celebration. It's a way of championing your art because nobody is going to see it — and, therefore, resonate with and be moved by your art — if you don't talk about it. I appreciated that perspective because I've almost allowed marketing to become this evil thing. I've allowed myelf to become disillusioned with it when, actually, at its core, it's just sharing. It's having a conversation. The truth is that marketing can very much be a force for good — for sharing a voice, a message, a perspective that is needed and vital. And that's the kind of marketing I can get behind."

As always, thank you for holding the space <3

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Would this workshop be relevant for me? I want to find more ways to promote my podcast where I share creative writing and poetry. So I'm "selling" something in a way, but not for income currently.

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