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Wow, thank you, Amie. I do the same thing with writing sometimes. I take care of all the smaller things to feel free so I can write without any restrictions. I used to think it was procrastination, but it can't be, as I really love writing. You are right; it's perfectionism. Great insight you shared here. It makes sense, and I can see it in my behaviour.

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Today my to-do list started with errands, instead of something for myself (like journaling), and let me tell you what I learned! That I must prioritize a little something for myself first (even just 5 mins) or else I am super cranky. Thank you for sharing your list.... incredibly relatable! xx

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Aug 24Liked by Amie McNee

Love this. Your method provides such confirmation for me—our brains seem to work quite similarly!

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This list is so inspiring. I’m not a list maker, particularly because even if I make the list I’m not good at following it… therefore I sometimes get little done! Is that because I’m 72? Have medical conditions? Make all my food to be sure I eat healthy? Have a young cat who MUST be played with? These are all excuses! Thanks Amie, for prodding me along!

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I love the honesty in these lists. It's incredibly helpful to see when your brain is productive and see if that is also when my brain is productive. The idea of doing the most important work even though you don't have a clean slate, that changed a lot for me today. That seed is planted now and I, i'm excited to watch you grow. Also preordered your book so excited!!!!!!! Congrats!!

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I can relate to quite a lot of this. My best brain is in the morning too, but I often feel guilty for using it creatively as opposed to for my mind-numbing job where everything is urgent all the time. I really appreciate your distinction of urgent vs. important. Journaling & creating is important because I am a better, happier person when I do it, and because it is how I connect with life.

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I feel this so hard and so much has changed since I started putting my art first, not later (thinking having the small things done first would help)

The days where I cave into the urgency first it's hard to get out of the endless pit of small tasks and my brain turns into mush. They'll always be there waiting and giving me instant gratification... So art first or bust

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It's realizing - if we can't have a clean slate of time/home/life... we must create when we have a clean mind. (Aka morning mind - before the awareness of all the worldly things creep in and take up space.)

(After meditation often works for me too, but it's harder to get myself to meditate after the morning too lolll)

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How have you so perfectly encompassed how my brain works? Thank you for sharing the bumpy process of discovering your ideal schedule (aka the one that may or may not happen that way and that’s totally okay) 🩷

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So relatable and honest and helpful. As ever! I’m curious to pull apart the “magical” stuff about your 10,000 steps. If you’re open to sharing. And of course fine if not. I was completely blocked on journaling until your compendium and 9 months later, every day without fail, it’s as powerful as the hyperbole. So I’m curious. But seriously, no pressure 😜

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Oh my gosh, I love that the compendium served you in this way. For me, walking is where I get the best ideas, it is where I feel the most thankful, it is where i process, and ideate, and create. I always thought I needed to be at my manuscript to be creative, but I need walking to be a huge part of my creative routine. So even though 10,000 steps is about an hour and a bit out of my day, it is so magical for me. I feel so alive.

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This is so cool! Thanks for replying 😜 New perspective : reframe the walking time as creative time. Makes it hella less boring 👍🏻

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Why are all our lists so varied and consuming!! 😵‍💫 gosh 😅 well done on the 10k steps ✨🙏

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Amie, this is great and similar to how my day goes (brain works). If I do the eat the frog tasks early in the morning I get caught in them, it screws my flow then I get pissed and just crab-assey all day. I need to create in the morning, it saves me from not murdering anyone. (Kidding...). But really it is what gets my juices flowing!

Thanks for sharing, you have been very real with us and I can't tell you how much I appreciate and respect that!

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I do the same thing—novel writing is first thing in the morning, and I follow your prioritization pretty closely as well. Great minds!

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Sound like me :))

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