‘People actually fucking love to support artists’ YESSSSS 🔥

I know it as true as I do myself, long before I began expressing my own creativity in the ways I’d dreamed, I wanted to throw my money at people making epic shit. Still true.

Art is my religion 💜

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You never miss, Amie. Thank you for this. 🖤 As I'm beginning the self-publishing process for my debut novel, I'm asking for support more than ever and the fear of being a burden is definitely cropping up a lot. I'll probably be coming back to this post when I need a pep talk!

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Art and pizza are food for the soul.

If you'd open a pizza place you'd handout flyers and ask for feedback and wouldn't feel weird about it.

Handout your fucking flyers and ask for the fucking feedback, you got souls to feed.


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This was such a supportive read. I've just this evening shared a post where I've actively asked for help to bring a Kickstarter project to life, and it was STRETCHY. Thanks for sharing this post, Amie, and making 'the ask' feel okay.

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You are good at this.

I immediately thought I should rename my stack to "Annoyed by Mimi" to reflect my current thinking.

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You know what, I bet there's several hundred people out there who have read this and thought, thank goodness I'm not the only one who gives herself pep talks... you don't even need to be a writer, artist, creator or anything like that to need some encouragement, some support, a little help...

Some people like my daughter and myself need some help to want to wake up each day, I am so grateful that I have Boo-boo my precious old dog, as if I didn't have to get up and let him out for a wee, make him some breakfast, tidy his bed up and get him a fresh bowl of water into would probably not bother to get up...

My strong point is that I am good at writing, and I get people who are highly sensitive, I like to think that I can be a good listener and that I can give good advice when needed, but I can do all that laying in bed... I'm terrified what will happen when Boo-boo crosses the rainbow bridge, and it might happen any time soon, he's 19 years old and that's pretty old for a dog.. how will I keep going then.. at the moment I'm fighting with myself, I come here and read things that touch me in some way.. I like to find a fun part of life, even when it seems like there's nothing, reading something from someone who I feel close to gives me hope...I'm not well known for anything, but I'm not ready to be silent yet...

I believe in you, I know you can help people with what you write, what you share is a beautiful gift, don't ever be too afraid to make a nuisance of yourself, it's a sign that you have strength in what you do, people that have ignored you in the past will kick themselves one day, because you will be going to book signing events where it's your book ... 👩🏻‍🌾🐕🫂✍️👩🏼‍🏫🧑🏾‍🏫🤵🏻‍♀️🧕🏻📚📑👍🫱🏻‍🫲🏼💯💞

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I think this is such an important article you've written - the gentle reminder that our worth is not tied in any way to others "accepting" or validating our work but the connection that those others have to our journeys. I resonate with this, especially the "am I being annoying?" part when it comes to having to push our work out there into the world or ask for help. It's a fine line to walk and a tricky game to play. I also love how you shared your inner dialogue here, too. It's necessary to cultivate that compassionate inner voice not only as a human but especially, especially as an artist when we get told no a thousand times. When the world seems to be saying it doesn't need what we have to give, that is the moment we reach for that resilience and compassion most - because we still believe the world very much does.

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I just sent a director's treatment to two people in the industry for feedback today; they offered to help me, but I still felt like a burden, sweat over every word and every image choice, and felt nauseous as I drafted the emails and pressed send. Still learning to take people up on their offer for feedback and be ok with waiting. Thank you for a great newsletter A. :) S.

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Thank you. This is so real and raw for many of us.

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I was thinking about this topic just this morning! Being vulnerable and asking for help is a strength in itself. We all need help at some point or another. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I enjoyed reading this.

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I agree. You have to as an artist go after your goals. We work solo mainly and have to say what we want. Thanks for writing about this topic.

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So, so good, Amie!! I love this approach...I don't NEED their support, but I deserve to be supported. I've been thinking about this topic so much lately. I'm lucky to be a part of all kinds of great online artist communities, and I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing without the cheerleading and wisdom of all the wonderful creatives I'm surrounded by.

I found an artist bio from way back in the day- I was 23, living on the Big Island of Hawaii, and was showing some watercolors at a local shop. The little bio said "My favorite thing is creating with other artists." At 47, I'm realizing this hasn't changed! We positively fuel each other.

And you're awesome. I know a lot of us would line up at the door to have a chance to support you!!

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Thank you for sharing your journey, Amie. I totally get the fear of asking for support. Sending positive vibes your way for your book launch!

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As someone who struggles to ask for help and is anxious about interacting with others, I really needed this reminder. Thank you! ❤️

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Gosh, this is just so real. Thank you for this.

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