
I found you a few years ago on Instagram. Then I deleted all my social media accounts late last year. How delighted I am to see you here, on Substack, and to be sharing this space and time with you.

In reading your old entries and your new responses, I felt like a door opened in my own creative life. I've never felt worthy, never felt life I mattered or that anyone in the public eye would find my message and my gifts valuable. I still don't have an agent or a publishing contract, but I'm realizing that growth precedes the kismet of timing + luck.

Thank you for reminding me that creative work is worthy regardless of who believes it is, and that one day I will find my magic moment, too.

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Wow, 12 September got me good....

"All my life I’ve believed I earn happiness through work and exhaustion."

This is where I am so at right now. I have the chance to slow down and just create, but my mind keeps telling me I'm lazy. That my writing isn't meaningful because it comes from a place of peace and relaxation. I'm lazy because I'm not cramming my life full of "adult responsibilities" that should leave me exhausted and anxious (like if I don't feel those ways it's a sign of laziness).

Thank you for sharing Amie.

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So fascinating. Thank you for being vulnerable like this in public. And thank you for the interesting glimpse of your current self interacting with the younger self who wrote those journal entries. In the past couple of years, three decades of my own journal entries were published in two volumes, effectively documenting the inner process of self-reflection and self-examination that I committed to paper as my authorial, philosophical, and spiritual journey unfolded from my early twenties to my early fifties. Creating the manuscript of course involved a titanic amount of editorial work. And the whole process involved and invoked exactly the same kind of dialogue between who I am now and who I was when I wrote all those entries for a private audience of myself alone. As I read your self conversation that spans several years, it resonates with that experience. So again, thank you. It's a pleasure to meet both of you. 🙂🙏

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"Thank you for enduring the silence, thank you for moving through the years of no money, movement and magic was happening in the wings, because you dared to write and continued to write when no one wanted to read your work. I owe everything I have today to you."

Breathless gratitude.

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Well that was shockingly relatable. ❤️

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This is all so beautiful! Thank you for sharing so vulnerably! ❤️

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Thank you for sharing. I feel like I am at a similar place as you were in 2018 and this gives me hope that I can build a fulfilling creative life that also supports me as well. It seems impossible right now and so far away. But I can’t pretend I don’t need it anymore.

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Wow this really hit home for me. Thank you for sharing <3

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Oof, I often feel the same when I read back on my old journals. I know I'm still not yet where I want to be - and know I can be - but this gives me hope. Thank you <3

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I sooooo, soooo love this…it inspires me. Thank you. 🙏 💗

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Thank you for sharing. So much here resonates and I love hearing the wisdom from your answer to you Amie. It gives me some guidance and the courage to let go of narratives the hinder and not help❤️

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This is so fucking beautiful 💜

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This is so beautiful Amie, thank you so much for sharing. I love getting your emails 💕

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This is incredible.

Thank you so much for being vulnerable.

What a brilliant idea to respond to past journal writing, this has greatly inspired me!

Love to you! 💜

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Wow. So powerful Amie. So much courage, vulnerability, love, and passion. Love both Amies. Giving them both hugs.

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